We've been waiting for you, beautiful sister.
The old ways of living are becoming obsolete, and people are waking up to power and strength of a more feminine way.
We are stepping away from the linear, masculine approach to life, and leaning into a softer, more natural way of moving through the world.
What is available to you now, as you open your mind and widen your perspective, is the recognition of how incredibly powerful you are. The "inner"standing that you are the creator of your life.
Harmony is here now, amidst the madness of the illusion.
Connect to your life-force, the primordial energy that flows to you and through you. Turn your awareness inward and love yourself exactly as you are. You are worthy, you are enough, and you already are perfect.
It's time to live your purpose, dear sister. It's time to thrive, and it's time to light the way for the future generations of this planet.